The Woburn Public Schools is an innovative, progressive district with rigorous academic standards and proactive social-emotional supports. We are dedicated to the success of all students while challenging them to meet their maximum potential. Our students are problem solvers and resilient risk takers who aspire to create change in the world. They are diverse, confident, valued and have a strong sense of pride in their community. In Woburn, all stakeholders are engaged, and effectively communicate and advocate for the resources necessary to prepare our students for their best future.
Strategic Plan Overview
Equity for All Students
To ensure all students are provided with meaningful learning opportunities that build their capacity to understand and manage emotions, execute rigorous tasks, and make informed choices that promote wellness
Professional Practice
To hire and support all educators to utilize data, professional development, and collaboration to continually adapt their practice to best meet the needs of all students
Consistent & Rigorous Instruction
To increase student achievement by providing authentic learner-centered experiences through aligned, consistent, and rigorous curriculum with assessments that will allow students to demonstrate their understanding and prepare them for future success